Monday, August 24, 2009

New Youth Sunday School Options!!

Trying something new this fall, hoping to spark some life into our Youth Sunday School program...check out...


We’re giving you options for Youth Sunday School this fall! Try out something new during the 9:30am hour:

First Sundays

Meet in the Youth Room at 9:30 for interactive Bible study and fellowship for the first Sunday of every month (incl. Sept. 13)

Other Sundays:

Choose Small Group
~Meet with your small group

Choose Coffee
~Grab the Question of the Day and go to the Daily Grind

Choose Leadership
~Help lead children/preschool Sunday school (sign-ups will be provided during First Sundays)

Choose Music
~Work with the praise band to learn new skills

Choose Bible Study
~Join an adult study group

Thursday, August 20, 2009

One More Volunteer Meeting!

Here's the link to this week's Youth Specialities RealWorldParents Newsletter!

Thanks to all who helped out with the Guys' Cookout last Saturday at the Foltz Farm! The guys had a great time!

Just a reminder--there is only one more VOLUNTEER TRAINING on Sunday, AUGUST 30 AT 9:30AM. You *must* be re-certified in Child Protection Policy each year...this comes from Church Council, not me. Additionally there are some other resources I'd like to talk about. So please mark your calendars! Sunday, August 30th 9:30am.

Wednesday, August 12, 2009


Here's a link to this week's RealParents Newsletter, presented by YouthSpecialities.

For those of you that missed the Parent Meeting on Monday night, you can pick up info on the Welcome Table this week.

Don't forget--the Volunteer Meeting is this coming Monday, Aug. 17th at 7pm in the Youth Room. You *must* attend this to be certified in Child Protection Policy. Everyone is re-certified every year. If you can't make it, please contact Amy!

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bigger and Better!

Well we survived our camping and white water rafting trip! Pics soon to come! We had seven adults and twelve teenagers camping out in Hico, WV last Monday night. Tuesday we got up bright and early, donned our swimming gear, ate a pop-tart or two, and took a rickety bus ride to our entry point of the New River. We spent five hours on the river, stopping once for lunch. The rapids were mostly class II and III (some of which we could swim through!) and two class IVs! It was a a blast! If you missed it, don't worry--we'll do it again next summer! (Possibly as a part of our Reach Workcamp...hmm...)

On to our last event of the summer--the Guys' Only Cookout! We love our teen guys and we want them to have events specifically for them as well! Jeff Foltz has offered to open up his farm to our guys so they can cook-out, goof off, and just be guys! It is next Saturday, Aug. 15 from 7-10:30pm. Meet at J.I.M.'s Place and you will carpool to the Farm. Bring a few buddies--the more the merrier, right?!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Rafting Reminders..


What to Pack??

For Camping...
Sleeping Bag and Pillow
Appropriate pajamas (remember, you may have to get up at 3am to pee!)
Allergy meds/inhaler/OTC meds as needed
Any toiletries—there is a showerhouse at the site, if you so wish!

For Rafting...
Clothes (shorts, tshirt) to wear over swimsuit
Sneakers, water shoes, or Tiva-type sandals—No Flip Flops!
Towel and dry clothes for the trip home

Spending money for dinner (Subway) on the way down and any souvenirs

**Per church policy, there is to be no drugs or alcohol brought/consumed/thought about during this trip.**

