Monday, June 1, 2009

Ah, Summer Cometh!

Yesterday was a blast! No pics to post--but we had a great day at Sluggers 'N Putters! Most of the kids hadn't been there before, and it had been a year or two since I'd been back. With one fun pass, each youth got to pick 4 activities--gokarts, bumper boats, mini-golf, rock-climbing, batting cages, or the driving range. We definitely filled our two hours there! I was soaked when we left thanks to a few middle-school girls who shall remain nameless (plus Meredith :-)) who ganged up on me on the boats with squirt guns! Yikes!

June is going to be a pretty busy month for us (not going to lie, I enjoyed a bit of breathing room in May). This coming Sunday is our End-of-the-Year Bash from 5-6:30pm! Cookout and games...I've been thinking I want to do something like that ABC show "WipeOut"...Not sure yet how to flesh that out without major injuries, haha!

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