Tuesday, July 7, 2009


We are currently halfway through our summer! Unbelievable, isn't it? Seems like I just began planning for summer activities, and most of them are either in progress or finished! We returned from Reach nearly two weeks ago and (hopefully!) we've all recovered. This was my second year and while there were challenges of course, this week really was awesome. Our youth are fantastic and it's been a real honor to watch God work in their lives.

Moving on to bigger and better (if possible!)...Hot Summer Nights, our 3-week series on relationships, began last week and continues again tomorrow. We'll be discussing topics such as the ways guys and girls view dating relationships, what the Bible says about sex, "how far is too far" (how I love that question!), and redemption. We also have guest speakers--this week, our new Christian Ed director, Jessica Moser, and her husband, Adam.

Mini Golf Mondays began yesterday...this is another 3 week series but it's full-on competition! We meet at Tuscora Park at 3pm and the best average score at the end wins the Golden Putter. Even if you're a little over par, it's still fun--the ice cream afterward is soo worth it! After yesterday's game, Graham Sabo is in the lead! Who can beat him??

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