Saturday, August 8, 2009

Bigger and Better!

Well we survived our camping and white water rafting trip! Pics soon to come! We had seven adults and twelve teenagers camping out in Hico, WV last Monday night. Tuesday we got up bright and early, donned our swimming gear, ate a pop-tart or two, and took a rickety bus ride to our entry point of the New River. We spent five hours on the river, stopping once for lunch. The rapids were mostly class II and III (some of which we could swim through!) and two class IVs! It was a a blast! If you missed it, don't worry--we'll do it again next summer! (Possibly as a part of our Reach Workcamp...hmm...)

On to our last event of the summer--the Guys' Only Cookout! We love our teen guys and we want them to have events specifically for them as well! Jeff Foltz has offered to open up his farm to our guys so they can cook-out, goof off, and just be guys! It is next Saturday, Aug. 15 from 7-10:30pm. Meet at J.I.M.'s Place and you will carpool to the Farm. Bring a few buddies--the more the merrier, right?!

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