Monday, November 2, 2009

Everyone Can Give a Corner

Last night we talked about service. Junior High looked at the passage from Matthew 25 where we get that famous line "Whatever you do for the least of do for me." Each of us came up with three ways to serve this week--ask your middle schooler how they are serving!

Our high schoolers watched a dvd by pastor Rob Bell from the Nooma series. Check it out here. Bell challenged us that we each have a "corner" to share with someone else. We always have some way to share with or serve others.

With your November calendar, you should have gotten a list of upcoming service opportunities! We have one THIS WEEK! :) Meet at the church WEDNESDAY at 3:30 with a rake (or leaf blower!) and we will head to a church member's house to rake leaves. If you are unable to meet at the church, we will be in the 600 block of N. Broadway (by the park).

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