Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Return of the Blog!

I'm back! Sorry about the lack of updates the past couple of weeks. We had a great time at Fall Retreat, then took the weekend off to spend time with families for Thanksgiving. But's December, it's Advent, and we're right back in the swing of it!

This Sunday:
  • "First Sunday" traditional Sunday School--meet in the Youth Rm at 9:30am
  • "World-Changers" small group is meeting at 5pm with Jordan
  • Junior High is 5-6:30pm (Please bring $2 for dinner)
  • Senior High is 6-7:30pm (Please bring $2 for dinner)

Upcoming Events:

  • Christmas Party, Sunday, Dec. 20 6-7:30pm
  • Senior High Service Project--Dinner @ Homeless sure to get your ingredient from Amy!
  • ULTIMATE SNOW DAY--Weds, Dec. 30 9am-9pm at Brandywine...cost approx. $50 or $60...more details soon!

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